Strategies to Detect and Remove Mould Hidden Behind Wallpaper

When was the last time you checked your home for problems hiding behind the walls? 

If it's been a while, don't worry, we've got the answers to help you kick mould out of your home. 

Ensuring your home stays healthy and safe is crucial for you and your family to enjoy. 

This blog reveals the tricks to find and get rid of mould behind wallpaper.

What You Need to Know about Mould Behind Wallpaper

Knowing if there's mould behind wallpaper is super important for keeping your indoor air clean and healthy. 

Mould loves damp, dark spots, and the space behind wallpaper fits the bill perfectly.

Moisture from leaks, high humidity, or improper ventilation can facilitate mould growth. 

That's why by the time you do notice it, it's usually a big problem. Identifying mould behind wallpaper involves observing signs such as discolouration, peeling wallpaper, or a musty odour. 

If left unchecked, mould can cause health issues such as allergies, respiratory problems, or worsen existing conditions like asthma.

Now, let's figure out what to do about this problem before it becomes a big deal.

How to Detect Mould Behind Wallpaper

Finding mould behind wallpaper is the first step to combatting this sneaky problem and maintaining clean, healthy walls.

But don't worry, with the right knowledge and tools, you can reveal mould's hiding spots and take action to rid your home of this persistent issue. 

Here are some simple but helpful methods to get started.

Checking Your Walls

Visual Inspection

Inspect your walls carefully, especially in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens. 

Check for strange spots or bumps hiding under the wallpaper, as they might mean there's mould. 

Pay extra attention to corners and near sinks, where water might help mould grow. 

Take your time looking at these places closely to make sure you don't miss any mould. 

Finding it early can help you stop it from spreading and keep your walls and your health safe.

Discoloured Patches

Keep an eye out for any areas where the wallpaper looks a different colour than usual.

It could be green, black, or even just a darker shade than the rest of the wallpaper.

If your wallpaper is usually white, but you spot a yellowish patch, that's a sign of possible mould.

Bulges in Wallpaper

Sometimes, you might notice parts of the wallpaper sticking out or bulging.

This could mean something is growing underneath, like mould.

If you press gently on the bulging spot and it feels squishy or soft, that's a red flag for mould lurking beneath.

Use Your Nose to Detect Mould

Smell Test

Mould gives off a strong, musty smell that's hard to miss. 

If you catch a whiff of something unusual, especially near wallpapered areas, it might be a sign of hidden mould

Despite not seeing any visible signs of mould, the smell persists, indicating that there might be mould lurking behind the wallpaper.

Sniff Test Technique

To conduct the sniff test, simply take a few deep breaths and pay attention to any unusual odours in your home, particularly in areas with wallpaper. 

If you detect a musty smell that doesn't seem to go away, it's worth investigating further for hidden mould.

As you take a deep breath, you immediately detect a musty odour coming from behind the wallpaper near the shower area. This prompts you to investigate further for possible mould growth.

When to Sniff

Make it a habit to conduct regular sniff tests in your home, especially after periods of heavy rain or if you notice any signs of water damage. 

By staying vigilant and attuned to unusual smells, you can catch mould early and prevent it from spreading.

Moisture Meter 

A moisture meter is a handy tool that measures how much moisture is hiding behind your wallpaper.

You simply press it against the wall, and it gives you a reading of how damp it is back there.

High moisture levels can signal a mould problem brewing behind your wallpaper.

Let's say you use the moisture meter and it shows a high reading behind the wallpaper in your bathroom. 

That could mean there's moisture trapped back there, providing a perfect breeding ground for mould.

If you get a high reading, it's time to investigate further and take action to prevent mould growth. 

This could involve improving ventilation or fixing any leaks in the walls.

Peeling Wallpaper

If you notice your wallpaper peeling or bubbling in certain areas, it might be a sign of trouble lurking beneath the surface.

Moisture buildup behind the wallpaper can cause the adhesive to weaken, leading to peeling or bubbling.

Gently peel back a small section of the wallpaper in the affected area to inspect for any signs of mould growth.

Let's say you notice a corner of your wallpaper in the bathroom starting to peel away. Instead of ignoring it, take a closer look. 

Peel back a small section to see if there's any mould hiding behind it. 

If you spot any suspicious growth, it's time to take action.

Removing Mould Behind Wallpaper

Once you've detected mould behind your wallpaper, it's crucial to take careful steps to ensure your safety and effectively eliminate the problem. 

Here's a simple guide to follow:

Safety First

Before you start, make sure to open windows or use fans for ventilation.

Wear protective gear like gloves, goggles, and a mask to avoid breathing in mould spores.

Remove Wallpaper

Use a putty knife or scraper to carefully peel away the affected wallpaper.

Dispose of the wallpaper immediately to prevent mould spores from spreading.

Clean the Surface

Mix water and detergent in a bucket and use a sponge or scrub brush to clean the wall surface thoroughly.

Pay extra attention to stubborn areas and make sure to reach into all the crevices.

Treat with an Antimicrobial Solution

Apply an antimicrobial solution to the affected area to kill any remaining mould spores and prevent them from coming back.

Follow the instructions on the product carefully to ensure effectiveness.

Dry Thoroughly

Let the wall dry completely before reapplying wallpaper or paint.

Use fans or dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process and prevent moisture from lingering, which could lead to more mould growth.

Following these steps can help you effectively remove mould behind wallpaper and create a healthier environment in your home.

Effective Ways to Permanently Eliminate Mould

Getting rid of mould for good requires a good clean and treating it properly. 

Here are some simple ways to do it:

What kills mould permanently?


Vinegar is a natural remover against mould. 

Just spray it on the mouldy spots and let it sit for a while before wiping it away. 

It's safe and effective.


Bleach might be a strong smell, but it's a helpful mould fighter. 

Mix some bleach with water and scrub the mouldy areas. 

Just remember to open windows or use fans to let the smell out.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Another option is hydrogen peroxide. It's a gentler way to fight mould. 

Spray it on the mould, let it do its thing for a bit, then wipe it away.

Using these simple household items, you can say goodbye to mould and keep your home clean and healthy.

Preventing Future Mould Growth

Keeping your home mould-free requires proactive measures to combat moisture and create an environment inhospitable to mould. 

Here's how you can prevent future mould growth:

Address Moisture Issues

Keeping an eye out for any water leaks or damage in your home is important.

Fixing leaks quickly stops moisture from building up behind your walls, which can make mould grow.

Improve Ventilation

Ensure that your home is properly ventilated, especially in areas prone to moisture like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

Use exhaust fans or open windows to allow fresh air to circulate and reduce humidity levels, preventing moisture buildup.

Choose wallpaper that fights mould

Pick wallpaper that fights mould, especially in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

This special wallpaper has stuff in it that stops mould from growing, giving you extra protection against mould.

Monitor Humidity Levels

Invest in a hygrometer to measure indoor humidity levels regularly.

Ideally, indoor humidity levels should be maintained between 30-50%. 

If humidity levels exceed this range, use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air and prevent mould growth.

Preventing mould growth in your home is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe living environment.

Staying vigilant and implementing preventive measures can go a long way in keeping your home mould-free and ensuring the well-being of you and your loved ones.

Protecting Your Home from Mould

Finding mould behind wallpaper isn't just a problem, it's a big deal for your health and home.

But you can take action to solve it.

Spotting mould early, getting rid of it fast, and preventing it from coming back, you can keep your home safe for everyone.

Keeping an eye out for mould is important for a healthy home.

If you've come across mould and need a lasting fix, our team has specialised services to detect and eliminate even the most hidden infestations.

Rest assured, we are committed to restoring your home's safety and ensuring peace of mind.

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Reliable, flexible and professional cleaning company based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.


Belfast: The Mount, 2 Woodstock Link, Belfast, BT6 8DD

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